Lately I find myself reflecting on my experience with Kassidy and how it changed me as a person. Receiving her diagnosis and carrying her an additional 5 months knowing her life would end was -and still is- the most difficult thing I have ever done. Did it really happen to me? I felt so desperate that summer as I did nothing but pray. I couldn't do anything else. I recall that I never asked God to save her or heal her. I just prayed
for her. In tragic situations, that's all we can do. It's been two years since we lost her. I am 34 weeks pregnant with my second healthy son! Now that I have had time to grieve and to enjoy Steven (who is almost 16 months old), I continue to feel that God chose us for this path. We were meant to lose a daughter, and that's okay. I know in my heart that He has a plan. I trust in His plan! And I will see Kassidy again one day!!!
I always felt that when my daughter died, a part of me died with her. Only recently have I realized that when she was
born, a part of me was
born too! I am much closer to God, much more trusting and I know when my strength fails, He is there.
I pray that my delivery with Beau goes smooth, both God and Kassidy will be watching over our little family.