Hello Friends, Life as a mom of 2 boys has surely kept me busy and far from blogging, but I am back and ready to update you all.
![Kelsey Johnston's photo.](https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/11750660_10206304302960745_9196329302053645411_n.jpg?oh=a1091370e01ff3236b880b57c65f8843&oe=565003DD)
Steven will be TWO years old next month! He enjoys playing outdoors, "ROAR"ing with his dinosaurs and pushing around his little cars. As of late, he has gotten freakishly good at putting together puzzles. He is my strong-willed child, stubborn and every bit the typical 2 year old. He loves snacking on fruit snacks and riding along in a wagon or a laundry basket as I push him around the house. Anything Disney makes this kid happy.
Beau is now 5 months old! He sits up on his own, is loving baby food and grabbing his toes. He is a mama's boy for sure, if he sees me, he wants me to hold him. I've been blessed with an easy baby finally who sleeps through the night, eats well, and will deliver a smile with no effort from me to bring it out.
I've recently joined the YMCA where I've been working out consistently for the first time in my life! It gives me a break from the boys (and vice versa). Physically, I am feeling great! I enjoy being a stay at home mom and without the amazing support and help from Big Stevie, I wouldn't have achieved this blessed life. At church this morning, I went through my prayers after the Eucharist. "Thank you for my husband- he is such a hard worker and loving father to our children. Thank you for my beautiful three babies, especially Kassidy, whom I am still honored to be her mother and carried her for 34 priceless weeks. I am truly loved by you to be chosen as her mother." I mean this prayer, I say it every week!
My heart aches for a girl. Some day, I know we will have a girl. In His time - so I will patiently wait for her. Kassidy will never be replaced, she is her own unique person and already has a spot in my heart forever, and more importantly, a spot in Heaven. Her 3rd birthday is in a few months. I can't believe it. I don't know what went quicker- my pregnancy with her or this time after her.
My mom sent me an article a few weeks ago that discussed how to write a book. From the beginning, I wanted to write a book about Kassidy. There is only one short book about an anencephalic baby, to my knowledge, so I feel like there is a big enough audience if I want to write a chapter book. Reading the tips in the article about how to get started really inspired me. I do feel like a book of mine will be published one day, maybe not in the next 5 years, but maybe 10? 15? Either way, as long as it happens, I know it's my calling.
Life is good, God is good. Kassidy is still very much alive in my heart. When her brothers get big enough to understand, it will be nice to teach them that Heaven is wonderful and that she is watching over them every day!