We are so excited to announce that we are expecting another BOY! Baby Beau Martin Johnston is growing right on track and weighing in at 9 ounces. He is showing to be perfectly healthy according to my 2nd level ultrasounds at the specialist. Stevie, Steven and I are thrilled! I am almost 19 weeks along with Beau and am happy that my boys will be just 17 months apart.
Another happy announcement: Steven turned 1 year old! We celebrated on September 20th with a party at our house. Steven enjoyed opening his presents and digging into his very own cake. As I reflect on the past year, transitioning from a grief-stricken mother to caring for a rainbow baby who has very much healed my heart, I can't believe the life God has blessed us with. God has a plan for us, and as we see His work in our lives, I am so excited to see what will happen next!