Just stopping in to post some pictures of our sweet family. We are basking in the busy family life. Our house is always covered in toys, our car is littered with fruit loops, and the boys always have messy faces...but we are happy and healthy!

What's new with us? Steven just turned 2 years old!!!!! Tomorrow, Beau will be 7 months. They are beginning to really play with each other and entertain themselves. Steven loves dinosaurs and cars, Beau loves chewing...on...everything. He just got his first 2 teeth! We've been stuck in party mode recently because 3 of Big Stevie's brothers are getting married within 3 months.
I've been wrapping up my house decorating efforts (I've been in a decorating phase for a few months) and moving on to just house maintenance. Having kids is way messier than I would have ever imagined. Laundry is never done. Especially because I have two in cloth diapers!
Luckily, I am still able to reach out and help other anencephaly mothers with this blog. I was shocked just now to read the stats on my blog that over 33,000 people have viewed it. Even today, I had some viewers from Alaska...how funny! Kassidy's 3rd birthday is in a little over a month. How is that even possible? I was just holding her!
God bless!