Hello Everyone!
I had a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, June 27th and found out Baby Johnston is a GIRL! We saw her little feet and hands.
We were thinking about the name Grace, but I couldn't find a middle name to go that I was crazy about. We decided to call her Kassidy Briana. I’ve always loved the name Kassidy, and chose to spell with a “K” so that our names were similar. We also will share the same middle name: Briana. I always wanted a girl. I am so blessed to have gotten her! Just the day before, I woke up at 3:30am and felt her wiggling for about 20 minutes. These moments bring me so much happiness, I’d like to think she is enjoying herself and feels our love for her.
While having the ultrasound, the technician said she is measuring 2 weeks behind in overall growth/development. Later, when I discussed this with Dr. Giali, she said this may be a sign that Kassidy is weakening. Kassidy still has a strong heartbeat (of 155, actually). I asked Dr. Giali if she thinks I will go full term. She answered, “No, I don’t think you will make it to your 3rd trimester.” I felt relief after hearing this. Now I have some sort of timeline in my mind, and I now anticipate that Kassidy will pass peacefully in utero as opposed to a stressful birth, or even a few days thereafter. I also found out that I don’t need a C-Section!!! Even with Kassidy’s severe omphalocele (organs growing on outside of body) I can deliver just fine. We are anticipating an August or September baby at this time, even though I am due in December. I was also relieved to hear that Dr. Giali has delivered babies with anencephaly before- in fact one this year already.
After much thought, I decided I want to see her and hold her. I will ask the doctor to cover her head and tummy first. The image I want to take away will be one of my child’s sweet little face, hands and feet. I also have plans of creating a “memorial” montage of her. In this, I will arrange her ultrasounds pictures, hand prints, footprints, a baby blanket and any other items that have meaning to us. I have a special place for it to stay in our home, just as she will have a special place in our hearts.
I think of her all the time. When friends/family ask if I am sad to know I may deliver in a matter 1 or 2 months, I respond “No, that means I still have a few wonderful months with her.”
(My next appointment is on July 19th)
God Bless,
Kelsey, Stevie and Kassidy Briana <3
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