Monday, November 4, 2013

May 28, 2013 - I am a mother of two.

This past Friday, I went to get my nails done with a bachelorette party. Upon sitting down for a manicure, the woman noticed my pregnant belly and began to ask me questions. “Is this your first?” I paused for a moment, I knew this question would come at some point since I was showing. I knew how I wanted to answer…”No, this is my second, but my first boy.” It felt so natural to answer this way. Luckily she didn’t have many follow up questions such as “How old is your daughter?” etc…I’m not sure how I would have answered that.
Today is a big day for Stevie and I. We are placing our first home up for sale. The anxiety that comes with selling a house is much more than I expected, maybe because I’m pregnant and want to nest and have the peace of mind that I am ready for baby Steven. I feel so out of control at the moment! I literally have to keep telling myself that it’ll be okay. We are hoping to move about 20 miles northwest of where we are now, to be closer to family. Moving back will give us other opportunities with Stevie’s work, allow Stevie to begin playing Rugby again (his favorite!) and will overall be a smart move for our little family.
Stevie and I are driving to Oklahoma next week to attend my cousin’s wedding. We leave the night of the 4th, which means we will not be here for Kassidy’s 7 month bday on June 5th. It’s tearing me up inside. It’s unrealistic for me to expect to be able to see her every month on the 5th…so I know I need to calm down. June 5th is also the 1 year anniversary of finding out she had an omphalocele…or basically finding out something was wrong. June 8th is the 1 year anniversary that we found out she had fatal anencephaly. It’s gonna be a tough week. Please pray for us.

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